“You will be the next Beth Moore but in Mexico.” I dismissed the thought as soon as it left Sarita’s mouth. However, I did appreciate her affirmation for she was only trying to encourage me after I made the terrifying decision to be the speaker at the young women’s conference this November. Let’s just say I had been trembling since Anita took me by surprise a few hours earlier in the kitchen. We were just cooking some beans for lunch when suddenly what seemed like a normal nonchalant conversation took an unexpected turn and I had to ask her to repeat herself to make sure I understood her Spanish right…. My thoughts became sporadic (surely she was just inviting me to attend the conference and not inviting me to actually be la Conferencista). Immediately, I could feel the heat rising from the beans that were on the verge of boiling as my mind switched to panic mode, piecing together the string of Spanish words that rapidly rolled off her tongue. And there it was again .... that word “conferencista” . It was as unmistakable as the green hot sauce and it stung all the same. She looked up at me as she finished her request, eagerly awaiting my response. My first stuttering words echoed the thoughts that rushed in my mind as I said, “Anita I can’t possibly be the speaker.” Did she really think about this question before she asked me? She asked the girl who still struggles on a daily basis to communicate to stand up in front of a group and share God's Word… This place is crawling with seminary students perfectly capable of doing an outstanding job not to mention their native tongue is in fact Spanish. Then right on cue, images flashed in my mind, one after another, turning my stomach as the devil pressed rewind on that infamous tape of my past sins. It was as if the devil had the perfect game plan. First, he started with reminding of my weakness and uncovering my deep insecurity concerning my Spanish and then topping it off with making me feel completely incompetent by jogging my memory of every past failure and rebellion. I felt sick to my stomach with these horrendous past reminders coupled with the sudden pressure. I stared down at the pot of black beans in front of me, wishing to dive in head-first and hide from everything. Instead, I chose to escape through the back door of the kitchen, welcoming the gush of fresh air behind the screen door... It never felt so good to breathe. Then the tape of my shortcomings was paused by the interuption of the ever recognizable Garth Brooks’ song “Shameless”. Hmm… of course I thought… It was a sweet reminder of my self-proclaimed theme song. Let's just say that six years ago, this song played on the radio and the words took on a different twist for me. I listened to the song as if Garth Brooks’ voice was my own and I was singing to God. Ever since this moment, this song has been something very special between God and me. You should listen to the song this way; it is very powerful and a picture of the desired intimacy we should want to have with God. I love it. And God knew it was just what I needed. Bottom line, I am in love with God and I am willing to do almost anything for Him even if it means making a fool of myself. And the thing is that I know God will not make a fool of me, no matter how paralyzing the feeling is of this speaking engagement......
..... This conversation with Anita took place two weeks ago. Today at lunch she gave the students (the ones leaving for the weekend to go to their assigned churches) the invitations for the conference. It was a very surreal and humbling feeling to look down at this invitation and see my name listed as the conference speaker and to think these pink papers were about to be spread in the surrounding cities and towns of Cordoba. Please pray for me as I am preparing myself for one of the biggest steps of faith I have ever taken. I honestly don’t have a clue as to what I am doing. Please pray that God would show me what to talk about and use me as His mouthpiece so that hearts would be healed, sins uncovered, and souls saved on November 7. Thank you my sweet reader. John 15:5
Click on this link to listen to "Shameless" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdDD8hSiKZs
"Shameless" Garth Brooks
Well I'm shameless when it comes to loving you
I'll do anything you want me to I'll do anything at all.
And I'm standing here for all the world to see
Oh baby, that's what's left of me
Don't have very far to fall
You know now I'm not a man who's ever been
Insecure about the world I've been living in.
I don't break easy,
I have my pride
But if you need to be satisfied I'm shameless, oh honey,
I don't have a prayer
Every time I see you standin' there I go down upon my knees.
And I'm changing, swore I'd never compromise
Oh, but you convinced me otherwiseI'll do anything you please.
You see in all my life I've never found
What I couldn't resist, what I couldn't turn down
I could walk away from anyone
I ever knew But I can't walk away from you.
I have never let anything have this much control over me
I work too hard to call my life my own
And I've made myself a world and it's worked so perfectly
But it's your world now,
I can't refuse I've never had so much to lose
Oh, I'm shameless.
You know it should be easy for a man who's strong
To say he's sorry or admit when he's wrong
I've never lost anything I've ever missed
But I've never been in love like this.
God It's out of my hands.
I'm shameless,
I don't have the power now
I don't want it anyhow
So I got to let it go.
Oh, I'm shameless, shameless as a man can be
You can make a total fool of me
I just wanted to you to know.
Oh, I'm shameless,
I just wanted you to know
Oh, I'm shameless,
Oh, I'm down on my knees shameless
WOW!!! You have come a long way since Camp when you fell into panic gear to translate our salvation cards! I am so very proud of you! God will speak thru you there is no doubt in my mind or heart! You can do this! As Phillipians 4:13 sayd "I can do ALL things thru Christ who gives me strength" I know you can do this and it will be so uplifting and God will be glorified!!!
ResponderEliminarLove you, miss you and as always praying for you!
Debbie in Florida
Dearest Brooke,
ResponderEliminarI can understand your anxiety about being the Conference speaker - since I had a similar problem with timidity NOT complicated by attempting speech in a language other than my own. At 62 years of age, I still get shaky at the idea, but I've finally conquered it when I feel like the Lord is really wanting me to speak. Too often I "wait too long" & the opportunity passes - then I wonder if I had just sinned by not doing what God wanted me to do, or if I had not understood and He didn't want me to speak after all. Oh, my! How easily excuses come to me! Then, too, I struggle with pride, and that's often another source of my hesitancy - am I wanting to speak out of some sense of self-gratification, or does God want me to speak? I'm afraid I rarely fully know the answer to that one!
Anyhow, I didn't start this comment to talk about myself! I wanted to ENCOURAGE you to GO FOR IT as the Conference speaker WITH CONFIDENCE AND GUSTO! I am 100% POSITIVE you will be wonderful and that God will use you to speak His message eloquently, smoothly, plainly and with boldness. WHY am I SO sure? I've read your blogs, THAT'S why!!!!! Brooke, your "And Kelsy Sang" brought me to my spiritual knees with its beauty and elegance, yet its message is direct, clear and humbling. Brooke, just "write a blog page" for the young women coming! The Lord will show you what to "write" about, and your Spanish is MORE than sufficient to "translate" it - especially with the help of the Holy Spirit! It is my firm belief that the Holy Spirit resides in a very special way at MITC, and He would not have had the invitation extended to you to speak if He did not fully intend to be there for you in every possible way. So, little darlin', just LEAN on Him. He'll do the rest. :-)
BTW, no matter how much you prepare, how much you write, or how much you "practice" or "run through" it in your mind, when you stand up to speak, don't be surprised or upset if you find yourself saying something completely different from what you'd planned, but with it just FLOWING ever so SMOOTHLY from your lips! If that happens, it will be the Holy Spirit speaking for you. That happened to me once, and it was SUCH a humbling but WONDERFUL blessing! I will never forget it!
Anyhow, I will definitely have you in my prayers, and I know - as I just LOVE to say - "God won't be embarrassed!" When we are earnestly seeking to please Him and are standing within His will the best we know how, He NEVER IS! :-)
I remember when you did your devotion on "Shameless" at cow's house! You are truly a blessing and inspiration Brooke! I know you are going to ROCK!! Love you!